Negash, Legesse (Professer)Nura, Abdo2019-04-292023-11-092019-04-292023-11-092017-09-05 arabica L. is organically produced by farmers in Southwestern Ethiopia under the shade of various native trees. The main purposes of this study were: (1) to assess the benefits of some selected native trees for coffee production; and, (2) to evaluate farmers’ perception towards this economically important tree crop species. The study was conducted in Goma Wereda, Jimma Zone Oromia Regional State. Semi-structured interviews were administered to 234 coffee farmers. From these sample interviewees, a total of 54 farmers were selected based on their long experience in coffee production for further in-depth interview, and also 7 of them were taken from 54 key informants for preference ranking and direct matrix ranking. A total of 26 species, categorized in 20 genera and belonging to 12 families, were studied. The highest number of species studied (7) was recorded for Fabaceae. Albizia schimperiana Olive and Croton macrostachyus Del. were the highest in distribution in the coffee farms studied. Of the 26 tree species studied, only 11 were found to be farmers’ favorite shade trees. These favorite native trees were identified to be A. schimperiana (100%), Acacia abyssinica Hochst.ex Benth (95.9%), Millettia ferruginea (Hochst) Bak (94.4%), Cordia africana Lam (93.2), Albizia gummifera (J.F.Gmel.) CA.Sm. (92.7), Albizia grandibracteata Taub. (91.0%), Entada abyssinica Steud.ex A.Rich. (83.8%), C .macrostachyus (44.9%), Ficus ovata Vahl (2.6%). In addition to 24 native trees two exotic trees Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.Var.nubica Chiov. (8.1%) and Grevillea robusta R.Br were also studied. The two exotic trees were included for comparative purposes only. Farmers favored the studied trees based on the following major criteria: (1) tree size; (2) tree canopy area; (3) crown shape (with umbrella-shaped crown being preferable); and, (4) easily decomposable leaf litters. Farmers’ positive perception about the studied shade trees included: soil fertility enhancement, soil moisture improvement, modulation of light intensity, increments in coffee trees longevity and coffee yields, as well as enhancement of coffee qualities. By preference ranking and direct matrix iv ranking A. schimperiana Oliv, A. abyssinica Hochst.ex Benth and M. ferruginea (Hochst) Bak stood first, second and third, respectively. Farmers pointed out to various challenges confronting their coffee small-holder plantations, including: occurrences of frost, intense radiation, soil erosion, competition from weeds, invasion by grasses, as well as berry overbearing. Farmers emphasized that berry overbearing causes die-back, entails more frequent attacks by coffee berry diseases, compared to coffee trees grown under native shade trees. Among the most disliked trees were: Sapium ellipticum, (Krauss) Pax, Celtis africana Burm.f and Trichilia dregeana Sond. These three native trees were disliked by the farmers because of their excessive water requirements and dense canopies. The majority of farmers reported that A. schimperiana and C. africana were highly threatened due to A. schimperiana’s barks being eaten by Colobus guereza Ruppell as well as attacks of the trees’ stems by ants and worms. Threats on C. africana include economic benefits as a timber tree, as well as use for fuel wood and for other local utilities.enAlbiziaDirect Matrix RankingLeguminous TreesPreference RankingBenefits of Some Selected Native Shade Trees for Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Production: Evaluation of Farmers’ Perception in Goma Wereda, Jimma Zone, Southwestern EthiopiaThesis