Abdi, Tadesse (PhD)Negash, Habtemichael2021-04-172023-11-042021-04-172023-11-042020-06-25http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/26163In this project report, explicit nite di erence scheme for 2D parabolic par- tial di erential equations is considered. This method is used to solve the partial derivatives in the partial di erential equations at each gride point that are de- rived from neighbouring values by using Taylors theorem. The forward-time centered-space(FTCS)and explicit schemes are developed. The MATLAB im- plementation allows to experiment with the stability limit of the forward-time centered-space(FTCS).enFnite DiffErence MethodExplicit Scheme2D Parabolic DiffErential EquationGrid PointExplicit Finite Difference Scheme For 2d Parabolic Partial Differential EquationThesis