Arsano, Yacob(PhD)Abebe, Yeshihareg2018-06-282023-11-042018-06-282023-11-042014-06 has gained prime importance in the world as transboundary water resources cover nearly half of the earth surface connecting many states. The Nile and Rhine river basins are among the largest river basins in the world connecting several states. This study proposes to make a comparative analysis of the hydro-politics of these river basins. The study extensively examines the existing hydro-political features and investigates the achievements in terms of legal and institutional cooperation in the two basins. The similarities and differences of river basin management in both basins and the factors rendering those similarities and differences are broadly analyzed. The research is mainly based on secondary resources and related literature. It also has reviewed primary sources extracted from relevant institutions and authorities found in Addis Ababa. The available sources are analyzed through descriptive and explanatory approaches. The findings, among others, include the existence of both similarities and differences of hydropolitical features in the Nile and the Rhine River basins. Similarity is observed in terms of engagement of several states and existence of both tension and cooperation over the shared rivers. Disparity, on the other hand, is observed from the existing difference in range and status of cooperative initiatives along with variations with respect to geographical, economic and political features between the riparian states of the river basins. The findings show the existence of vast differences with limited similarities of hydropolicts in the two river basinsenInternational RelationA Comparative Analysis of Hydropolitics in the Rhine and Nile River BasinsThesis