GebreEgzibeher, Tegegne (PhD)Tadesse, Tesfaye2018-10-032023-11-182018-10-032023-11-182006-01 major objective of this study was to examine the implementation process of Education Decentralization specifically in view of having the required institutions, and their performance, the level and nature of participation of the community, the financial resources made available and its adequacy. To meet the above objective concerned authorities, professionals and community members have been interviewed Data for the research was collected from primary sources with the help of interview guides, unstructured questionnaire and focus group discussion guides. Secondary sources were equally reviewed. The study was conducted in two Woredas in Amhara and Oromia Regional states. The study..Jound ou(,,Jli.aL ____________________ _ 1. Woreda Education Decentralization gave the mandate for responsibilities like: opening schools; recruit, promote, discipline and dismiss teachers and other educational professionals; procure and distribute school provisions without prior approval of Zonal and Regional bureaus. The study found that the power devolved is adequate to undertake the responsibilities of expanding Basic Education. But the relationship between the Woreda Education office and that of schools is mostly characterized by a top-down hierarchical relationship. 2. Both at Woreda Education and scl:tools level there is manpower problem in terms of having the relevant capacity to undertake the responsibilities and bring change in Education Decentralization. 3. There is acute budget shortage principally capital budget which is reflected in shortage of school infrastructure, provisions and manpower shortage and as a result a tendency of exercising much reliance on the community beyond it can afford to tolerate is observed. It was generally recommended that for Education Decentralization to succeed there is a need to address the capacity of all those involved from Woreda Education to the level of schools and equally the budget constraint must be solved if education should serve as a basis for all forms of development. Keywords: Decentralization, Decentralized Service delivery, Education Decentralization, Community Participation.enDecentralizationDecentralizedService deliveryEducation DecentralizationCommunityDecentralization and Service Delivery in Education (A case of Moretenna-Girru and Bereh Aleltuu Woredas in Amhara and Oromia Regions Respectively)Thesis