Afework, Fisseha (Assistant Professor)Negatu, Betelehem2021-06-022023-11-042021-06-022023-11-042015-05 study focused on a survey of the performance appraisal practices with special focus on International Non-Governmental Organization in Ethiopia. Besides it covers surveying the level of employees understanding of the purposes of conducting a performance appraisal and how much employees valued the feedback they received in terms of improving their future performance. The study obtained information from two hundred seventy two (272) respondents working in selected International Non Governmental Organizations in the country through the use of questionnaires. The results indicated that, the current performance appraisal practices are fostering fair and communicative environment, employee participation, future orientation, and ongoing feedback. Moreover, the study revealed that employees duly understand the purpose of having a performance appraisal within an organization and that they value the feedback they received from their supervisors in terms of helping them improve their performance for future. The study suggested that organizations should ensure the effectiveness of their performance appraisal and feedback systems. Moreover organizations should ascertain that every employee of the organization has a clear understanding of the purpose of having a performance appraisal processen-USPerformance AppraisalFeedbackPerformance Appraisal PracticesAssessment of Performance Appraisal Practices with special focus on International Non-Governmental Organizations in EthiopiaThesis