Henok Zewdu (Mr.)Yelshaday Regasa2024-03-122024-03-122023-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2384This thesis focuses on utilizing honeycomb fiber orientation techniques to develop a prosthetic socket with enhanced mechanical properties at a lower cost. The current challenges in prosthesis production include the high cost of fibers and the inadequate strength of the composite fiber. To address these issues, this research explores the tensile characteristics, water absorption and impact strength of bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy composites with an optimized material mix ratio design. The Finite Element Method for Numerical Analysis is employed to predict the desired properties of the composite material. Using numerical analysis software solutions, the stacking sequence is determined based on established standards. The newly designed prosthetic socket is evaluated for improved qualities, such as stance stability, speed control, multiple speed adoption, shock absorption, and reduced weight throughout the entire cycle. By closely emulating nature, the study investigated the relationship between woven fiber orientations and honeycomb pattern fiber orientations. It examines the optimal material mix ratio design, as well as the best fiber orientation pattern and angle of fiber orientations. The obtained results include a tensile strength of 53.4 MPa, compressive strength of 57.6 MPa, flexural strength of 64.55 MPa, impact strength of 13.02 J/cm2, and water absorption rate of 2.31%. The findings of this research aim to contribute to the development of low-cost, high-strength composite materials for prosthetic sockets. Prosthetic socket designers can utilize these recommendations to improve the overall performance and durability of prostheses.en-USBamboo/epoxyHoneycomb orientationProsthetic socketFiber stacking sequencetensile characteristicsEnergy absorptionImpact strengthDevelopment and Analysis of Composite Material using Honey comb Orientation of Bamboo Fiber and Epoxy Composite for Prosthetic Socket ApplicationThesis