Tewodros Mesfin (PhD)Halleluya Tesfaye2024-01-292024-01-292023-07https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/1618This study investigated factors affecting new product acceptance in relation to the recently introduced Coca Cola product called Minute Maid. The study was conducted by analyzing product compatibility, product attribute, price, and promotion as determinants of new product adoption. Data was collected from 181 product outlets located in Hossana town, South West Region. Regression analysis using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation was conducted to determine the direction and magnitude of correlation between the dependent and independent variables. The inferential statistics conducted revealed that there was a strong association between the independent variables of compatibility, product attribute, price, and promotion on the one hand, and the dependent variable of new product acceptance on the other hand. The correlation was statistically significant and showed the direction and magnitude of relationship between the variablesen-USProduct AttributeAnalyzing Factors Affecting New Product Acceptance in the Case of Minute Maid Refresh Product Diffusion Process in South West Region of Ethiopia Hossana TownThesis