Tsegaye, Yirgalem (PhD)Gebremicheal, Brhane2020-12-092023-11-042020-12-092023-11-042012-01-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/23905This paper is intended to discuss different approaches in proving identities. The paper comprises of two sections. The first one deals with basic concepts in combinatorics that are used in farther discussions and the second Section is the main body that discusses the proofs that illustrate the power and elegance in enumerative/algebraic combinatorial arguments, modern machine assisted techniques of Wilf-Zeilberger and the classical tools of generatingfunctionology.enCombinatorialAutomated ProofsCertainIdentitiesA Graduate Seminar Report on Combinatorial and Automated Proofs of Certain IdentitiesThesis