Balew Bogale (Dr)Morki Tesfa2024-09-182024-09-182024-07 objective of this study was investigating the training of speaking skills of grade 8 students. The sample for the study consisted of 40 students from 161of total class; the two English teachers of the targeted school were taken for interview and two classes for classroom Observation. In the process, three different kinds of data gathering instruments: students’ questionnaire, teacher’s interview and classroom observation were used. The students were selected by random sampling techniques for questionnaires whereas both the teachers for interview were selected purposely because, they are manageable in number. The results of the study indicated that most of the classes’ times were covered by the teachers’ explanation and discussion. In addition to this, the target teachers taught speaking skills without inviting all students, but do it with certain clever students rarely. The data also depicted that the teachers were seen using few uniform techniques rather than using various techniques selecting according to the topic and activities/situations. Generally, types of activities, large class size and unsuitability of the techniques are some of the challenges. The data identified that due to different circumstances, what hinders the teachers not to employ techniques of teaching speaking skills were large class size, lack of teaching and learning materials; this is because, Ethiopia was introduced new curriculum; therefore, learners’ textbook and teacher guides are not available in hard copies. This causes the classes’ chalk and talk everything comes from teachers. Moreover, Most of the obstacles which impeded teachers from applying various techniques of teaching speaking skills are students’ lack of rich vocabulary and lack of experience of practicing speaking skills before.. The subject of study were asked solution to the existed teaching of speaking skill problem and responded that focus must be given for speaking skill equal to other language skills. English teachers have to enable their learners practice speaking by motivating them.. As a whole, it is vital for class sizes to be manageable in order to ensure that techniques of teaching speaking are implemented well.en-USThe objective of this study was investigating the training of speaking skills of grade 8 students. The sample for the study consisted of 40 students from 161of total classInvestigation of the Teaching Of Speaking Skill in Grade Eight English Language Teaching Classes: Dagmawi Birhan Primary School in FocusThesis