Yergou, Tatek (PhD)Talbachew, Cheru2018-06-202023-11-092018-06-202023-11-092017-07http:// this paper we investigate the excluded volume e ect on the structural and conformational properties of 2D ring polymer chains using lattice Monte Carlo simulation. In order to take into account chain volume exclusion and crossing of bonds, the bond uctuation algorithm(BFA) was implemented. Monomer chain exibility was taken into account by producing chain bending rigidity ks. Chain properties were studied by varying chain size N and the bending rigidity ks. We have computed key chains physical quantities such as the radius of gyration Rg and persistence length lpenThe Conformation of Semi-FlexibleExcluded volume Effects on the Conformation of Semi-Flexible 2d Ring PolymersThesis