Seifu Mamo (Associate Professor)Alazar Adula2023-12-062023-12-062023-06 the present business environment of accelerated volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), as experienced in Ethiopian Banking industry, the researcher found the area of organizational agility (proactive, flexible, responsive and speedy systems), as the one less researched. In this view, the researcher tried to measure the effect of organizational agility components on the organizational effectiveness of Gada Bank, Ethiopia. The study was made by employing an explanatory research design and collecting primary data from the board of directors and the management of the bank. A structured questionnaire was distributed to 86 respondents out of which 78 were responded. The finding of both descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis showed that organizational agility components like leadership, technological and HR agility have positive and statistically significant effects on organizational effectiveness of Gadaa Bank while the components like structural agility and process agility were found to be statistically insignificant. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the bank to institute optimum level of agility to its systems and operations so as to gain and sustain competitive advantages while also overcoming challenges and uncertainties that could be posed by internal and external VUCA environmentsen-USA Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Master of Business LeadershipThesis