Nega, AdiamTassew, BirhanAnberbir, Petros2020-03-052023-11-052020-03-052023-11-052019-07 Low bed occupancy rate (BOR) is the one of the biggest problem of the hospital. As a result it brings the indication of low quality health care services, customer and staff dissatisfaction and poor revenue generation. In this study measured and improved bed occupancy rate focused on installing operation care materials and start operation care service and provided post operative care at surgical ward in Mida Weremo primary hospital in Amhara /Ethiopia. Objective: To assess and improve low bed occupancy rate from 33.2% to 75% by the end of May 2019 G.C Methodology: A pre-post intervention study design was used to improve the low bed occupancy rate in Mida Weremo Primary Hospital. Data was collect from the admission and discharge registration log books including all patients admitted pre and post intervention by using the check list from each ward by data collectors. Total of 331 admitted patients were enrolled in study. Data was analyzed by using the following formula to calculate the BOR Formula of BOR= Total number of patient days for a given period (length of stay) x 100 Available beds (bed complement) x the number of days in the period. Result: Socio-demographic section of the study most admitted patients are male (59.3%) and Christian (82.7%). The mean ± SD age was 33.7 ± 27 and 32.4 ± 24.4 in the pre intervention and post intervention respectively. During the pre intervention study the BOR was 32.3%, 32%, 36% and 30.1% on September, October, November and December respectively. Operation service was started at the month of January. In this pre-post study BOR when we see the progress of BOR in each month with in the intervention periods 55.8%, 63.3%, 74.1% and 86.6% on February, March, April and May respectively. Conclusion: The fact that the hospital hasn’t started giving operation and post operation care service was attributed for low BOR and initiating this service was the main change idea. During post intervention period BOR was increased from 33.8% to 70% in this intervention period. Recommendation: It was recommended to hospital manager to give more attention and that the departments should record and report the necessary data accurately. It was also recommended to give more emphasis and do more researches on this field.en-USLow Bed OccupancyTo Assess and Improve the Low Bed Occupancy Rate in Mida Weremo Primary Hospital, Amhara, Ethiopia 2019Thesis