Berisso, Taddesse(PhDMerga, Disasa2022-04-132023-11-042022-04-132023-11-042010-06 study dea ls with forest manag e m ent .Fom the perspectives of local know ledge and in stitutions in re l ati on to the li velihood of local peop le with particular refe r e nce to Ba late Cera Forest Priority Area of lim a Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. By using materialFom Ganji-caalla o.f Gera district, the paper attempted to address the role of local knowledge and in stitutions in/orest manage m ent in r elation to liv elihood of the local people. The s tudy was based on the /ield res earch condu c t ed in Gera d istrict for two solid months ranging .Fom 2l December 2009 to 2l February 20 l 0. Differe nt tools of data gath ering mechanisms were employed stru ctur ed and unstru ctur ed int e r v iews, focused group d iscuss i o n s, observ ation and survey we re utilized in order to obtain re levant and r eliab le data. The data were analyz ed qualitatively employing conceptual Fameworks of political eco logy and common property theories. The qualitative analysis of the study revea led that know ledge of local people about the values of forest and forest manage m ent was in c redible. They were welL aware of ecolo g ica l, economic and socio-cultural values offorest in the study area. The study also indica ted thaI customwy in stitutions of the local people have played a g reat role in forest manage m ent. In the study area, the experie nce of c h a rcoal burning, cutting live trees for fire wood, and extra ction of timb er were v e,y minimal. However, local peop le have been utili zing forest resources for sub s is t e nce domestic uses caut iously and selectiv e ly. Traditional lea d e rship set ups s u ch as abbaa lagaa and shanee were still active and played g r eat role in resource manage m ent and other social aflairs like confli ct resolution. Above all, f indings Fom this study impli ed the importance of considering exisling cus toma,.y in s t itutions. respecting ownership rights of forest resources users and red u cing the role of governm ent to techni cal support and some aspects of administration for s u stainable forest manag e m ent. Future researc hes should be directed to how the existing c ustomwy institutions will be fostered into fo rest management ins/itutions in colLaborating with the local government in stitutions and non -governm ental organizations that have int e res ts to work with the local people respecting their cus tomary in stituti o ns.enForest Management from Local Knowledge, Institutions and Livelihood Perspectives: A Case of Belete -Gera Forest in Southwestern Oromia Region, EthiopiaThesis