Tegene, Girma (PhD)Ayalew, Teshome2021-06-072023-11-042021-06-072023-11-042015-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/26703As it is known that whatever modern machine and equipment the company possess it is the human resource that gives life the goals and objectives of the company to be realized and the appropriate performance appraisal system is a basic tool to see whether the employees are in the way of achieving the ultimate goals of the company or not ,but performance appraisal practices have not received the degree of concern it deserves however the performance appraisal system seems to be less effective due to the lack of relatedness between criteria’s and job-description criteria’s which loads more to be subjective, unable to give opportunity to employees participation in setting criteria’s inadequate skill and knowledge of raters and less perception of appraisal by employees.en-UShuman resourceemployeesPerformance appraisalAssessment of Performance Appraisal Practices in Sunshine Construction CompanyThesis