Kelbessa, Ensermu (Professor)Soromessa, Teshome (PhD)Bayeh, Gojjam2018-07-022023-11-092018-07-022023-11-092013-06 study was conduct at Aba Asrat Monastery Forest in Debre Markos District, East Gojam Zone, Amahara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to determine the floristic composition, plant community and regeneration status of the forest .Sixty two quadrates of 10mx10m (100m2) were laid along ten lines transects for vegetation data collection. In addition 1mx1m subplots wereliad with in the main plot to sample herbaceous plants. A total of 120 plant species in 96 genera and 53 families were identifeied. Family Asteraceae had eleven (9.17%) species followed by Fabaceae nine (7.5%) species, Poaceae six (5%) species and Lamiaceae five (4.17%) species. Vegetation classification following R 2.11.1 software package resulted in five communities namely: Rosa abysinica_Acacia pilispina Community type,Urera hypselodendron-Phytolacca dodeccandra community type,Allophylus abysinicus-Cluita abysinica community type, Acanthus pubescens-Combretum molle community type and Croton macrostachyus-Pavetta abysinica community type. Sorensen’s similarity analysis among the communities revealed that community type 1 and 5 have the highest similarity (66%) followed by community type 3 and 5 which exhibited 57% similarity. From twelve representative woody species a total of 230 seedlings/ha, 184 saplings/ha and 63/ha mature individuals/ha were counted in the sample plots. Two population distribution patterns were revealed i.e. Inverted J -shape and bell-shaped. Moreover, there were more seedlings than saplings which could be attributed to factors that prevent the seedlings from reaching sapling stage. These factors may include expansion of farmlands, browsing by animals and prolonged dry period. On the other hand, some woody species lacked seedlings and saplings in the AAM. Based on the current study clear demarcation and raising awareness among the surrounding community are deemed necessary. Key words/Phrases: Aba Asrat Monastery, Endemic species, Floristic composition, Plant community and RegenerationenAba Asrat MonasteryEndemic speciesFloristic compositionPlant community and RegenerationFloristic Composition and Diversity Analysis of Vegetation at Aba Asrat Monastery Forest, East Gojjam, EthiopiaThesis