Damtew, Abebe (PhD)Tekliye, Abay2019-08-292023-12-052019-08-292023-12-052019-04http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/18907The main objective of this study is to examine factors affecting students’ participation in EFL writing classrooms of grade 11 students at Meskaye Hizunan Medhanealem Monastery School. In achieving the stated objectives; simple random sampling was employed to select the participants of the study. In order to collect data from the participants, classroom observations, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews were administered. Then the data obtained using these tools were presented, analyzed and interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data obtained from the questionnaires were presented and analyzed with the interview and observation. Then all the results of the items from the three tools were triangulated at the discussion section. The findings of this research work were related to three factors. These were student related factors, classroom teacher related factors and school related factors. Student related factors are linguistic factors such as writing grammatically correct sentences, lack of interest for learning writing, fear and shorage of vocabulary. Teacher related factors are such as shortage of time, teacher’s lack of commitment, absence of writing items on mid and end term exams, etc. School related factors are class size, shortage of text books in class, etc. Finally, based on these findings, it is recommended that the students should practise writing to help them improve their problems. The teacher ought to adapt the writing activities to make interesting, motivating and achievable in the time given for the activity. The school should facilitate student class to be axcessible by the teacher for the practice writing and textbooks should be supplied to the learners. The school or the English department should facilitate learners to produce texts, write reports on school events and so on.en-USForeign LanguagesFactors Affecting Students’ Participation in Writing Classes in EFL Classrooms: The Case of Grade 11 Students at Miskaye Hizunan Madhanealem Monastery SchoolThesis