Woldu, Zerihun (Professor)Alfred, Mwilla2018-07-092023-11-092018-07-092023-11-092004-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/7134The plant COlli/II unities oj the Igoll1be dam protected and non-protected Miombo woodlands oj Tabora were described based on thejloristic analysis ojthe data collected between October 2003 and November 2003. Floristic analysis is based on the cover abundance values ojboth trees, shrubs andfield layer which included grasses and herbs. Plant comlllunily -environment relationship was assessed based on the soil physical and chemical characteristics. A total 60 plots (releves) were analysed, and a total 145 species vascular plants were identified. The vegetation data were subjected to cluster analysis. The cluster analysis resulted into seven community types jor field layer, nine comlllunity types jor shrub layer and eight cOllllllunity types jor tree layer. The rations ojprotected and un-protected plots were subjected to two-sample t-test. The results showed that the shrub layer responded quickly to disturbance than tree and field layer. Environlllental data were subjected to Duncan mUltiple range test. These tests resulted into conclusion that the important nutrients were more in the protected sites than in the unprotected sites. 111e results showed that there is significant difference in community composition and structure between the protected and non-protected area due to the activities going 011. Also the soils of both two areas showed significant difference in nutrient contents and account jor the differences in the composition and structure.enBiologyA Comparative Ecological Study of the Miombo Woodland in Tab ora, Tanzania.Thesis