Hailesillasie W.D. (PhD)Bire Mekonnen2024-02-272024-02-272023-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2010The purpose of the study was to search out the factors that affect female Participation in secondary school leadership in Lemi Kura Sub city. To realize these purpose three basic questions related to major factors that effect on female teacher‟s participation in school leadership were raised. The study employed a descriptive survey design that involves the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods in data gathering and analysis. Data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were 74 male teachers and 23 female teachers and 16 school principals (principals and vice principals). Purposive sampling technique was employed to select female teachers from four government secondary schools and Simple random sampling technique was employed to select school leaders at school levels. The findings of the study indicated that the involvement of female teachers in educational leadership seems to show an insignificant in government secondary schools. There are different factors that have narrowed female teachers from participated in secondary school leadership. These factors are related to institutional Personal and Cultural. As institutionalfactor,implementers have minimal knowledge of policies that could empower women in affirmative action, most of the educational leadership positions are occupied by males in schools so that females couldn„t get opportunities to show their talent, there is no available special support for female teachers, educational institutions have no official effort to make females active participants and lack of women role models in educational institutions affects participation of other women aspiring for leader. As Personalfactor,Women‟s responsibilities of family child bearing and taking care of home affect their participation in leadership,because of their low self-perception the confidentiality of female on their ability, qualification and experience is lowand because of school far from their homes, female are reluctant to accept educational leadership.AsCulturalfactor,Cultural attitude of our school society was not encourages women to assume on key educational leadership positions and most people still having attitude and perception that decision making power rests with men. In line with the above findings it was recommended that the Lemi Kura Sub city Education office and Addis Ababa education bureau should properly implement the strategies and affirmative action and should to establish mechanisms to enhance the capacity of female school leaders by providing constant training, making clear policies of the school in line with strategies of the ministry of education.enFactors Affecting Female Teachers Participation in Decision Making Practices in Government Secondary School Leadership: Lemi Kura Sub City in Focus, Addis Ababa City AdminstrationThesis