Afework, Fisseha ( Associate Professor)Kassa, Esubalew2018-07-232023-11-042018-07-232023-11-042017-06 study had a major objective to assess the level of practice of servant, LMX and transformational leadership styles in case of ethiotelecom. It also aimed to assess employee level of job satisfaction and its relationship with transformational, LMX and servant leadership styles. The study has indicated ethiotelecom is not practicing servant, LMX and transformational leadership styles well. Furthermore, the study result indicated employee job satisfaction is at low level. Job satisfaction had shown, on average, a strong positive relationship with servant, LMX and transformational leadership styles. Furthermore, the study results showed job satisfaction has a strong positive relationship with job satisfaction. The study results drive a conclusion of an increased practice of transformational, leader-Member and servant leadership styles would bring about a better job satisfaction. According to, the data analysis result servant, Leader-Member exchange (LMX) and transformational leadership styles revealed a mean value of 2.46, 2.45 and 2.39 respectively on five point rating scale. And job satisfaction also scores a mean value of 2.46. Key words: Leadership, Leadership Styles, Job satisfactionenLeadershipLeadership StylesJob satisfactionAssessing the Effect of Contemporary Leadership Styles and Their Consequences on Job Satisfaction: A Case of Ethio telecom.Thesis