Assefa, Meseret (PhD)Ycshitla, Demeru2019-01-012023-11-102019-01-012023-11-102007-06 aim of this th esis was /0 inve sfi gale the s uccess and challenges e ncountered in implellle l1lin g apprel1liceship program in some selected TVET colleges in Addis Ababa. T() Ihi s e nd, an allempl wa s made 10 look il1l o the link belween I'VEI' inslilUies and Ih e wo rld of work. The jimdamenlal faCial'S afjecling Ihi s lin k such as the legal ji-am ewo rk. '!'orkpla c~ learning environmenls, roles of each parlicipaling pal'ly and Ihe sIC/Ie of resources devOled 10 Ihe training have been assessed A descriplive survey melhod was employed 10 identifY Ihe tll ajur p rohlellls encoul1lered in Ihe course 0/ implemenling apprenliceship Iraining in 18 rVl:;r co lleges /i !tli1d in Ihe Region. 'lhese sCilnple TVET Co lle ges were selecled on Ihe basis o/pllrposi ve sampling the s u bjects a/the sludy were 18 Deans, 18 Vocal io nal cuunc ilors, 27U Train ees and 18 workplace supervisors. The r espondenls sampling ,!'as carried 0111 Ihmugh purposive, availability, and random sampling le chniques, dependin g on Ihe nCllure und size (~/ the sample resp o nde nt s . "?/o r l17({l ion's IVUS gathered using (Iue s/jonnaires, iJ71er"iell's, ohser"alions 1111(1 doculllents, The resll il o/ Ih e sl/((IV del'icled Ihal , apprenli ceship Iraining I I'US nol backe d hy legulfj'wl1ework and the selection %rgoniZ(lIio17S was )10{ bused on sO lll e de.fined crileria. '{he reu diness o./fhe organiza/ions Iv cooperale was above average jur governmcnlCll und belolll average fO,. th e privale once. An aflempl mude 10 enhan ce .li.mlter coopewl ion/iJl- inslanee by offe ring ince ntives were inadequCll e, Thus_ traine es were excludedji'oll1l he lraining due 10 inadequacy oforgan izalions, in convenience o/Ihe Ira ining period and la ck of/inaneial suppor/. He nce, i l is concluded thai trainees run Ihe risks of no I being insu red fo r accidems Ihal o ccur on produClion aclivities and mcy'orily 0/ Ihe organi:alio17s didn 'f pay trainees Jhr Ih e i r labor, for efforts made in ,his regard II/US l10r SOfi. ~l{./(.:I(JI:)ยท On fOp 0/ fhis. in-sc ho()1 u/ld (JlIl-(~rsch()u/ .,u/)I!J'vi.\iuJ1 U(; fivilh!.~ iJu..:llldlllg visirin~ the ap/)I'entices und cO l/ducling fracel ' slue/ies were /ur behind /i'om the expeG'I(.Ilioli. Ihere/ore, it is recomlllended 10 aCI a cco rding 10 the {'/lIe and eslablish so me kind of regul{{/or)l bodv IO /acililale and tJlganize apprenliceship Iraining by bringing all .I'lakehoiders 10 lI'ork IOgelher/or Ih e sllcces~fi t! implelllenialion o/apprenliceship program.enApprenticeship Program in Tvet CurriculumThe Implementation of Apprenticeship Program in Tvet Curriculum The Case of Some Selected Tvet Colleges in Addis AbabaThesis