Abera, Berhanu (PhD)Mekonnen, Solomon2018-10-182023-11-102018-10-182023-11-102015-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/12834This study was designed to assess the overall integration of lCTs in the College of Business and Economics in AA U It aimed to find out whether or not lCTs based instruction was practiced as per benefit of technology Specifically. the study examined the current status of lCTs in the teaching learning process of the College. attitude of instructors to accept and integrate lCTs in their activities and the challenges of instructors to use lCTs in their profession. Both primary and secondary data were gathered using four different instruments namely; questionnaire. interview, observation and documentary source. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were employed to analyze the data obtained. The attitude of instructors to wards to ICTs integration in the teaching learning process has been measured and the result has discussed. The participants believed and affirmed that lCT empowers the professional level of comfort in their activities. All respondents have justified the importance of ICTs in their academic excellence adding value. The results of the study revealed that the current situation of lCTs integration in the teaching learning process in the CBE is at the initial stage. Based on the results recommendations were forwarded among; Distribute Laptop to all instructors without discrimination. Many instructors were not benefiting lCTs as part of the teaching learning process. On the other hand, there are some instructors with adequate level of lCTs use. Regarding training. no ICTs. especially computer based training has been facilitated so far in the College for the purpose of teaching learning activities to the instructors. Keywords: lCTs, integratioll of ICTs, instrllctionaltec/tnology, conventional illstrllctiollenlCTsintegratioll of ICTsinstrllctionaltec/tnologyconventional illstrllctiollThe Integration of Information Communication Technologies in Promoting the Teaching-Learning Process: College of Business and Economic, Addis Ababa University in FocusThesis