Ayitnew, Zemelak ( Associate Professor)Mohamud, Shafii2021-07-072023-11-082021-07-072023-11-082020-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/27100Somalia, tried out many systems of governance since independence, the British model of a parliamentary system, democratic republic of Somalia, authoritarian regime system, Sciel1lijic Socialist and Jinally, the countly has moved toward a Jederal system. Federalism become emerg ing as viaMe political system to bring a semblance of reconciliation, inclusive governance, power sharing and peace in Somalia. Since the adoption o/provisioned constitution in Somalia 2012 built on three primary objectives:(l) to unite the republic: (2) to lend legit imacy to Jilture political leadership and (3) to introduce good governance that are representative, responsive and accountable to the people. But, simply provides a space of the fede ral system and many of the elements are yet to be jilled including the division of powers and func tions between federal member state andfederal government, division of taxes. There are di//erent proposals regarding how best to divide powers between federal and fede ral member states in Somalia. The lederal government has its own proposal and FMS have also their own view on the malleI'. The main purpose of the study is 10 evaluate the proposals of both the fede ral government and no/Is to redesign in light of established fede ral principles, the appropriateness divisions of powers and the experience of other federations. The design and research approach are exclusively based on extensive review of relevant literature. It will also make comparative analysis based on the key jindings of case studies of jive cuuntries and the alii look of the relationship between Somalia and other federal .Iystem countries. The three guiding questions guided in both the case studies and discussion of the Jindings and in draw ing conclusions and recommendations. to examine how competences are divided in federal systems with a view to gathering lesson regarding how best to div ide in fedeml systems, and what factors are considered when dividing power based on theexperiences oJjederal coul1lries, \"hat competences are exerc ised by federa tion and what are left fo r states and which competences should go to federal. Recommendation will be Illy own proposal based on analysis of how best is the power divide and alternative option Jar improving the competing proposals between FG and FMS, within consider this context of the Somali political culture, histDly and social cleavages.enFederalism, Constitutions, division of power, political culture. histViY, sel/l'llle, sharing rule, state, Jederal, Somalia, subsidiarity, Asymmetric, Unity, dive rsity, symmetric, reconc i liat ion,Distribution of Powers and Responsibilities in a Federal System of Somalia, Prospect and Options.Thesis