Yeshitela, Kumelachew (PhD)Bekele, Shibire2021-03-162023-11-082021-03-162023-11-082021-02 green spaces play a prominent role to achieve United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals specifically, to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient. Urban forestry and greenspaces have less priority in urban planning. Thereby, this research is intended to assess the policy and planning of urban green spaces with their potential implementation status and challenges the planning faces on ground implementation. The general objective of this study is to assess urban green space planning, policy and implementation strategies and challenges that encounter in the implementation process in Addis Ababa. To undertake this research, both primary and secondary data has been used. The primary data was collected through key informant interview, Focus group discussion and field observation. Secondary data has been analyzed from google maps, satellite images and secondary data; literatures review, policy and masterplan analysis of Addis Ababa. The stakeholders and institutional arrangement mapping have been analyzed using engagement of different stakeholders’ consultation and multi-criteria analysis. Triangulation method has been used for data validation and analysis. According to Proclamation No. 1712004; Addis Ababa City Master Plan Preparation, Issuance and Implementation the city cabinet can issue a regulation parks and vegetation protection and preservation. Existing policy and proclamations must be supported by legislative regulations and implementation frameworks to provide the basis for concrete action plans. The incentives that are stipulated by the forest policy are not implemented to the required level. stakeholders are involved in the same greenspace development program but operating in different organizational structure. Principles like Multifunctionality, connectivity, green-grey interaction and social inclusiveness are considered in the planning of the greenspace development in the 10th masterplan. Within different catchment radius, the masterplan proposed 8,364 ha of green space in the structural plan of 2017-2027. The challenges in green space planning implementation are week communication, increase in population and urbanization and lack of proper planning are listed by the key informants. Political commitments, using of new technologies and the existing greenspaces potential are the opportunities which can be scaled up. The greenspace area coverage of Addis Ababa is undulating over time. the housing projects take the lion share of the greenspace reduction. The organizational structure of the city and federal government has some overlapping duties and this can create a delay in implementation and lack of proper monitoring and evaluation. This research has come up with recommendation of establishing platform for discussion Annual and biannual discussions on the implementation of the masterplan. Create systems and forums for public participation in the decision-making process of 'key' issues, and for stakeholder involvement. Furthermore, monitoring and evaluation of projects and activities must be done by multi-institutions and involved bodies.enGreenspace,policies,Strategies,MasterplanUrban Green Space Planning, Policy Implementation and Challenges: the Case of Addis AbabaThesis