Tensay, Gebremedhin (PhD)Getu, Debebe2022-06-082023-11-112022-06-082023-11-112022-04http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/31955Ethiopia has built several embankment dams up to the present day for different purposes. Some dams are situated in the rift valley, which is highly susceptible to high earthquake natural disasters. Dynamic loads induced by earthquakes are often major factors in the design of earth dams founded on liquefiable soil. Earthquake-induced stresses are major factors in determining the angles of the dam slopes and significantly influence the selection of materials, the zoning of the dam, and the construction method. These have taken a great attention to dams constructed from loose or medium dense saturated cohesionless soils and subjected to strong ground shaking. This project aims to simulate the effect of earthquake shaking on the stability of the embankment dam on liquefiable soil using the finite element method-based state-of-the-art software package, Geo-Slope software. The numerical simulation of embankment dams on liquefiable soil has been carried out by taking many factors into account. Among these factors, in this project numerical simulation has been made to see the effect of dam geometry, foundation material property, and liquefiable soil foundation thickness on the stability of the dam during dynamic loading. The evaluation also has been made to determine the response of the embankment dam on liquefiable soil under different earthquake ground shaking conditions. This includes assessing the safety margins against the risks of failure due to extreme scenarios, particularly soil liquefaction of the structure‟s foundation. A finding of this study shows that all those aforementioned factors have a significant impact on the stability of the liquefiable foundation of the embankment dam under dynamic loading. As a result an embankment dam having with 1 to 3 slope ratios, 5 meter foundation thickness with dense sand foundation material can withstand 0.37g peak ground acceleration safely with respect to slope stability, deformation and liquefaction.en-USearthquakesGeo-Slope softwareliquefiable foundationembankment damNumerical Modeling of Embankment Dams in Liquefiable Soils During EarthquakesThesis