Bogale, Mengistu (Ph.D)Yimer, Kedir2020-12-152023-11-042020-12-152023-11-042020-06 organization for assessing the amount of utility and desirability of their activities, especially in complex and dynamic environments such as in telecom industry where obsolescence of technology becoming the headache of operators, determining and ranking the vital performance indicators to ensure consistent supply is compulsory. The aim of this paper is to measure the SCP of ethio telecom commercial supplies and to set an alternative strategy, which identifies and prioritizes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that a company should focus on them thereby to define the strategy found best in alignment of these KPIs to enable achieving organizational objectives. Next, performance indicators were listed and pair wise comparisons were accomplished by company's selected employees through SCP and standard Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) questionnaires. Mainly a hybrid of AHP and TOPSIS technique applied to minimize the weakness of individual performance of each and to capitalize the synergy effect of both in that from AHP to take weight determination feature and from TOPSIS the swift ranking capability. Hence, this research focused to illustrate relative importance of supply chain performance measurement metrics and setting of evaluation framework to guide strategists for the SC strategy selection and development to enhancing profitability of the company and ensure business continuity with competitive environment. To do this qualitative and quantitative data was obtained from selected respondents which have direct link and involvement in the commercial supply pipeline. Based on the research, Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) performance measurement model with pair-wise comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Priority (AHP) methodology and TOPSIS- Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution are developed to enhance the performance measurement of the supply chain management system. In this paper, an AHP–TOPSIS–SCOR integrated approach for selection of the most suitable scenarios are introduced and the implementation process be explained with a primary data from the survey conducted. It involves the calculation of the closeness coefficients by means of Positive Ideal Solution (PIS), Negative Ideal Solution (NIS) and the separation distance di. The fundamental concept of this technique is that the chosen alternatives should have the shortest distance di to the positive ideal solution and the farthest distance from the negative ideal solution. accordingly the closeness index Ci+ is therefore the measure of the performance of the alternatives whose value range between ‘0’ and ‘1’ ; the more Ci close to 1, the more alternative performs best and vice versa. Alternatives are then ranked according to the computed closeness coefficients. viii In the study, candidates were assessed by three alternatives in accordance with fourteen decision criteria. From the study, the integration of TOPSIS with AHP method found to be extremely suited to evaluation and selection decisions regarding options for SC strategy selection. In the application, the criteria/and sub-criteria, which have the greatest effect on the strategy selection, are determined. The weighted sum model (WSM) was also applied to determine the delivery performance status of the case company with respect to the industry standard and that gives a good insight how is the case company performing its supply chain. Key Words: Supply chain performance measurement, Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), SCOR+AHP performance measurement framework, (di)en-USTechnique For Order PreferenceSimilarity To Ideal SolutionWeighted sum model closeness indexseparation distanceMeasuring Supply Chain Performance Using SCOR Model And Setting Strategic Alternatives: The Case of Ethio Telecom Corporate Commercial Supplies Store.Thesis