Abate, Diribssa (PhD)Tulu, Cherinet2018-06-272023-11-052018-06-272023-11-052011-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4259The objective of this study is to assess job motivation factors of teachers in secondary schools of Addis Ababa. In line with this specifically: to assess the extent to which teachers are satisfied with their job, to determine the major factors that affect motivation of teachers in secondwy schools of Addis Ababa, to distinguish if there is any relationship between teacher characteristics (ages, salary, experience, qualification, marital status and gender) and job motivation factors (motivator and hygiene factors). Also to identify the al/empts that have been made in order to motivate teachers at school, woreda, regional or federalleve!. To achieve the study objectives, information ji-om primary sources (questionnaire and document analysis) and secondary sources such as: review of different books, journals, unpublished materials, articles and other sources was used. Based on the data collected, each basic question was examined using statistics such as percentage, mean, correlation, t-test, and one way ANOVA. A number of evidences were discussed and conclusions made about factors which can affect teachers ' motivation include the area of organizational policy and administration, interpersonal relationships, economic factors, social factors and possibility of growth as well as recognition were the major factors. the major findings were: Both respondents satisfied in common with motivator factors include, the job provides them with strong feeling of responsibility since, they are positively influencing other people's lives (students or colleagues) through their work and the job provides them with strong feeling of responsibility since, they were contributing to the society. Both respondents satisfied in common with hygiene factors include, there was a shared vision and school goal selling process formulated by school principal, there was a mechanism by which competent teachers share their experience of teaching methodologies and there was strong relationship between school administrators and teachers. And dissatisfied with respect accorded to teachers by the community, Community and parental support of teachers, they were dissatisfied with the job security that creates job responsibilities and the principal exercise educational leadership alone. Additionally, the grand mean result shows that, both teachers and principals were highly satisfied by motivator factors than hygiene factors. The result of this research also indicated that many personal characteristics affect job satisfaction in different ways. There were statistical significant difference between teacher demographic characteristics (age, salary, working experience, educational levels, marital status and gender). salary and other forms of financial incentive (medication and reinforcement for the model teachers) were among the major factors affects motivation of teachers. The researcher drawn recommendation includes, it was pointed out that the existing management and leadership support to teachers could not maintain their motivation for that it lacked their fit/I participation in many ways. Therefore, in order to get teachers fit/I partiCipation in the school, participative management should be exercised and all teachers were needed to upgrade themselves through filrther education (post-graduate educational program) but, the cost it request is challenging. Therefore, it is recommended that adequate access of educational opportunity for all teachers should be given to maintain their satisfaction and enjoy the professionenEducationAn Assessment of Job Motivation of Teachers in Government Secondary Schools of Addis AbabaThesis