Ejigou Aynew (Professor)Gorfe Negussie2018-06-272023-11-092018-06-272023-11-091990-06http:// estimate 1)ar'r:;\e'cer values, the rlata 0:': ;:he C"f' Oil Aach of the rauks, the num~Br af recruits ta eac~ o~ the ran~s and the nu~her of 10s5es ~rom each of the ran~s. from 1982/33 to 1986/87, h'.!ve \;13811 utilize,l. The 11'cthod ,,+ T13,ximum lil(,"Uhood \"as anrylieo. on tb,: nast ,1at" a f til'" (;011eo-e in order to estimate transition nrohahi1itics ~etweBr the Drobabi1ities o~ loss fro~ each of the ranks. The ~verane nun~1:,er of !Jnnu<ll recrui,'::; '.i.as also estimaterl • The future li~ely structure a' academic stiff, tBse~ on the dlltn of the nns't five yeaTS. \'ias illves'di"atc(l.. In 3ddition. three rlif'er~nt recruitFont 0ntions were ccnsiranx il\ the CPS. The l1T8').~c'c('d sizes of nCB1.emic steff w~ich w~re obtained hv uj':.enModets and Adaptation of ComputerEnvestgation of Acadamic Stafe Stracher the Colege of Social Scinces Using Arcover Modeles and Adabtation of a Computer Program for Analisesa and Subseount ApplicationsThesis