Prof. L. Muniyappa, Dr. Daniel AsratLEMMA, DADI2020-06-172023-11-082020-06-172023-11-082007-06 study on the prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter species was under taken in selected abattoirs, ,butchers and supermarkets in two cities (Debre Zeit and Addis Ababa)of Ethiopia from November 2006 to April 2007.The study was conducted on raw meat (beef, chicken meat, goat meat, sheep meat and pork). A total of 540 raw meat samples consisting of 227 beef, 92 goat meat, 114 sheep meat, 60 chicken meat and 47 pork were collected and analysed during the study period. Thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated and identified according to the techniques recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/CD 10272-1 and 10272-2, 2002). Out of 540 raw meat samples analyzed 50 (9.3%) samples were positive for thermophilic Campylobacter species. The most prevalent species recovered from the samples was Campylobacter jejuni (78.0%), followed by C. coli (18.0%) and the remaining 4.0% of the isolates were identified as C. lari. Out of the samples examined chicken meat was the most frequently contaminated food item with thermophilic Campylobacter species with an over all prevalence of 21.7%.Of the examined sample 10.5% sheep meat, 8.5% pork 7.6% goat meat, and 6.2% beef samples were also positive for thermophilic Campylobacter species. The 21.7% prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter species in row chicken meat was statistically significant. Campylobacter jejuni was the predominant species 78.0% isolated from raw meat samples examined in the current study. Its prevalence was higher in beef with the isolation rate of 85.7% followed by 84.6% in chicken meat, 83.3% in sheep meat, 71.4% in goat meat and 25% in pork. The difference in the distribution of the C. jejuni among different raw meat types was statistically significant. Campylobacter coli was the second predominant thermophilic Campylobacter species isolated (18.0%) from raw meat analyzed. C. coli was the predominant isolate from pork accounting for (50%) of the pork isolates. Campylobacter lari the least prevalent species accounting for 4.0% of the total isolates recovered from raw meat examined. The result of the present study antimicrobial sensitivity test indicates that the overall resistance of 20.0% was developed to streptomycin. Similarly, 14.0% and 12.0% resistances were developed against gentamicin and kanamycin, respectively. Of the total isolates 10.0% were VIII resistant to tetracycline and ampicillin. Multi drug resistance to two or more drugs was detected in 20% of the isolates. The microbiological examination in the current study suggested that thermophilic Campylobacter species particularly C. jejuni was found in the raw meat analysed. The development of antimicrobial resistance was observed in a considerable number of isolates. This indicates the possible risk of food borne campylobacteriosis particularly for elderly and immunocompromised individuals in Ethiopia.enAntibiogramprevalenceraw meatThermophilic CampylobacterspeciesSTUDY ON THE PREVALENCE OF THERMOPHILIC CAMPYLOBACTER SPECIES IN RAW MEAT IN ADDIS ABABA AND DEBRE ZEIT, ETHIOPIAThesis