Ayalew EskinderHusein Hikma2024-11-282024-11-282024-02-15https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/3694In Ethiopia, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is rising, with varying prevalence from 1 to 20 percent across the nation. Moreover, drug-related hospital admissions are a common issue among these patients because of the greater number of medications required, the multiple issues caused by cardiovascular illnesses, and the usage of pharmaceuticals with a limited therapeutic indexen-UScardiovascular diseasesurvivaldrug-related emergency admissionEthiopiaEmergency Admission Among Cardiovascular Disease Patients; Outcome, Risk Factors and Drug-Related Admission, at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a Prospective Observational StudyThesis