Dr. Bulto Giro, Yacob Hailu (Prof)Emebet, Etisa2019-12-192023-11-302019-12-192023-11-302019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/20431Lung, heart, kidney and liver are vital organ of the body and susceptible to various disease conditions and parasites that affect the total health status of cattle and camel. There is an increase in demand of carcass and organ consumption but the production capacity become decreasing due to the presence of endemic disease and varieties of pathological conditions. This study was carried out to investigate the pathological changes present in lungs, hearts, kidneys and livers of cattle and dromedarius camels slaughtered at Akaki abattoir. Such studies are very important in epidemiological surveys of animal diseases. Cross-sectional study design with purposive sampling method was used to study pathological findings on lung, heart, kidney and liver of cattle and camels slaughtered at Akaki abattoir. 3520 cattle and 560 camels were involved in the study. The organs from these animals were grossly inspected and the representative tissue samples in 10% neutral buffered formalin were collected for histopathological lesions characterization. Pulmonary hydatidosis was the highest findings in the lung of cattle 39% while emphysema was the highest lesion in camel 30.4%. Grossly the hydatidosis was characterized by having variable size yellowish to grey colored cysts embedded at different depths of lung and microscopically by the presence cystic wall and infiltration of inflammatory cells. The emphysema was characterized grossly by enlargement of the lung due to gas accumulation and microscopically by distention of the alveoli and interlobular septa. The least pathological changes in the lung of cattle were granulomatous pneumonia and CBPP both occurred at same rate 0.12%. Granulomatous pneumonia was characterized grossly by dark red area of streak, dilation of interlobular septa with mucoid like exudates and yellowish to gray caseous and calcified materials in the mediastinal lymphnode. Microscopically, there were granulomatous like lesions around the bronchioles and infiltrated with inflammatory cells and mediastinal lymphnode were necrotized and mineralized. In case of CBPP grossly there was fibrinous pleuritis and marbling appearance and microscopically, interlobular septa were markedly expanded with abundant edema and inflammatory cells. Serous cyst and calcification were the highest finding in heart of cattle and occurred at same rate 33.3% while pericarditis with cysticercosis was the only finding in camel’s heart. The cysticercosis was characterized grossly by hard small size cyst like structure on myocardium of the heart and microscopically by the presence of cyst in the myocardium, with egg in the reproductive tract of female nematode. In cattle kidneys, cysts were the highest pathological condition to be occurred 34% and hypertrophy were the least in occurrence 9.6%. Grossly, there were several small cysts on the cortex of the kidney and in other case single cyst on the medulla of the kidney. Microscopically the cyst was lined by cuboidal type of cells and other lined by single cell layer of epithelium However, abscess and pyelonephritis were highest in camel and occurred at same rate 50%. In camel pyelonephritis was characterized grossly by enlarged kidney due to accumulation of fluid and internal swelling and microscopically by distended tubules contained hyaline cast and heavily infiltrated interstitium. In cattle livers, fasciolosis were the highest pathological findings 52.1% and grossly it was characterized by deposition of rusted colored materials and immature and mature fasciola in the bile duct and microscopically by fibrosis and haemorrhagic portal tracks, metastasis bile duct in to mucus producing like cells and infiltration of inflammatory cells. In camel cystic liver with fatty change was the highest 60% and grossly it was characterized by variable size cysts and slightly elevated nodular like structure on the parietal surface of liver and microscopically by presence of several cystic area lined by single layer of epithelium accompanied by fatty change and Von Meyenburg complex. The monitory losses as the result of organ condemnation were 877,587.08 ETB in cattle and 169,309.03 ETB in camel. In conclusion, the pathological changes observed in one species were not seen in other species and in other cases same pathological changes were seen in both species and . ETB lost due to the organs condemnation from both species as the result of these pathological changes. We recommend further study to be conducted on the root ethological causes of the pathological changes observed in this study.enAbattoirDromedarius CamelsPathologyCOMPARATIVE PATHOLOGICAL STUDY ON LUNG, HEART, KIDNEY AND LIVER OF CATTLE AND DROMEDARY CAMEL SLAUGHTERED AT AKAKI ABATTOIR AND ASSESSMENT OF ASSOCIATED FINANCIAL LOSSESThesis