Belehu, Ayele (PhD)Mengestou, Seyoum2021-12-152023-11-082021-12-152023-11-081982-07 transfe r o f pr o t f!c tio n f rom i nf 'ctcd don or J.rvicanthus !.E. rats t o uninfec t ed r c cl pient~ was t!l ttt!mpted by va ~ y ing s omc pilram ~~b.! rs such a s the i ntl:ction pe riod o f donor r ats a nd the tine of tra ns f L; r r e l ati ve to c ha l ll.;nge . Concurre nt inve stigation o n t he e ffect of h~'~ r o l o g ous infec tion and fra ctio na tion o f c e ll s 11(l!:; ~lso carri(:d out. It wa s f ound tha t cPlls from 2 mo n th- lnfLctcd dono rs had high ability t o tra n s f c r r e sista ncl.! to rc:d,p i €..nt r ats while c el ls f r om 10 75 a nd 3 month- infL:ctcc' Jonor s s howed pa rtial a bi l ity and tho s e fr om 2 . 5 mo nth- infl:ctcd donors showed an une xpe cted inhi b i t ory e f fect on t ransfe r r e cipi e nts. Transfe rs d o ne c l o s e t o ch a ll L:ng~ nay c onfe r almo s t c omple t e i mmunity t o r e cipie nt rats , \0,:.':"_ Heterologous c e stode infe ction in t hes(! r-~ts appt:"!<'Ir t o play t!I s econdary r o l e in pro t ecting aguinst ,5 •• mansoni infe ctions, while it wa s a l so f ound t hat u nfr~Ltio n a t ed cells have mo r e ability t o tr n ~sf e r r c sis t~ n cc than fr actio na t ed ce lls . Po s s ible i~mun o l o gic a l me cha nisms involved dur i ng t hese e ve nts and the pr actica l s ignifica nce of thL: Hark arc briefly discuss ed .enAdoptive Transf'er of' Lymphocytes and Its Role In Protection Against SchisTosoma Mansoni InfectionAdoptive Transfer of Lymphocytes and its Role in Protection against Schitosoma Mansoni Infection in Arvicanthus SpeciesThesis