Alemu (PhD), TenagenAyana, Helen2020-03-032023-11-042020-03-032023-11-042019-08 aim of this study is to assess the effects of banning of intercountry adoption on SHAMIDA orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To achieve the objective of this study, qualitative design with purposive sampling technique was employed. In depth interview, focused group discussion and key informants interviews tools were used to obtain the needed data. Document review and observation tools were also used for a better understanding of the issue under study. The study identified that the ban of intercountry adoption has affected Shamida orphanages in different instance like the finical capacity, service and medical care. Further, the study indicated that the ban of intercountry adoption is in the best interest of the child with exceptions to medically ill and physically challenged children. The finding also indicates that it is a moral, legal, social and political obligation of the government to protect orphans and care for them within their country of birth. Even if intercountry adoptions has its drawback, it was a better solution for those severely ill children without caregivers. Therefore, more is expected from the government, society and NGO’s for the better care of orphans who are severely ill. Social workers need to intervene to prevent family breakup and know how to better manage children from torn apart families. Key Words: Orphans, Severely ill child, Adoption, Intercountry adoption, Orphanages Binding, Institutionen-USOrphans, Severely ill child, Adoption, Intercountry adoption, Orphanages Binding, InstitutionThe Effect of the Ban of Intercountry Adoption in Ethiopia: The case of SHAMIDA orphanage in Addis AbabaThesis