Tebeje, Wegayehu (Prof)Samuel, Zekarias2018-07-112023-11-182018-07-112023-11-182009-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/7819This is a study on the practices of Theatre for Development (TfD) and its role in educating the public with a special focus on its delivery in Debre Markos Secondary School. The main purpose of this study was to assess the historical development and practice of TfD in Ethiopia; its role, its use and acceptance on the target group of Debre Markos Secondary School grade 10 students. The total students of grade 10, 1170 (600 females and 570 males), were taken as a case study, since the TfD was shown only for them. The sample size of the study were 10%, 117 (60 female and 57 male) students through purposive sampling method. Questionnaire, focus group discussion (FGD) and interview were employed to collect the data. Moreover, secondary data were also collected mainly from books, journals, magazines and internet websites so as to strengthen the study. The data obtained were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. After analyzing the data, the result of the study revealed that, most of the respondents did not have awareness about TfD, most of them liked the TfD since it gave them two-way communication. As most respondents responded, TfD is an appro•p r ia te m e di u m i n o r de r t o e du c a te and create awareness to the public an&. it. i-,!. ql-!o Gp<;8pted its use, by the public because of it;>: ei:tiri;~m po/.!i<jil?~i~(y characteristics. A recommendation is madJe d1t/ tb 11.idQig~ <V te study so as to use TfD as a medium in: order:t o q a:itr4ig;p about their socio-economic problemenEducationAn Assessment of the Practice of Theatre For Development In Ethiopia and Its Role in Educating the Public: Case of A Show in Debre Markos Secondary SchoolThesis