Tefera, Nahom2018-07-022023-11-092018-07-022023-11-092012-06http:// project is well organized review of new class of high-Tc superconductors i.e iron-based layered compounds such as ReOFeAs (Re is a rare-earth element), AFe2As2 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca), and LiFeAs, all of which are becoming superconducting with the current maximum Tc up to 55 K. The crystal and electronic structure, and magnatic properties all these compounds were discussed. In this paper, the superconducting properties of such systems are reviewed in detail, including the dependence of Tc on the doping level, and external pressure. In this project we discussed about the pairing symmetry and possible mechanism of superconductivity of iron based superconductors. we also discussed the progress and potential application of iron based superconductorsenSuperconductorsIron based SuperconductorsThesis