Alemayehu, Ambo (PhD)Gomeju, Taye2019-01-022023-11-042019-01-022023-11-042016-12 Ababa city metropolitan constructed phase one light rail transit line aiming to solve current transport problem. This Light Rail Transit is assumed to transport 80,000 passengers per hour per direction. For the system to hit the targeted objective on the proposed line, stations have to be positioned at a place where it can attract maximum users which enable the system to solve the problem and to be independent of subsidies. This is all about integrating Light rail system with other transport modes in Addis Ababa. This paper examines the existing station sites accessibility to other transportation modes or access mode, and adopts Geographic Information Systems and Multi-Criteria Evaluation technique to carry out suitability mapping of station locations for phase two light rail transit route in Addis Ababa. For the station suitability analysis, eleven different criteria were identified and each criterion was weighted using Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP. The output of Analytical hierarchy process was used as an input for geographic information system GIS special analysis. Finally, based on these criteria requirements using overlaying, Euclidean distance calculation, Rasterisation, buffering reclassification and weighted overlay analysis, the station site suitability map was generated. The map revealed five classifications as: “less suitable”, “suitable”, “moderately suitable”, highly suitable and “extremely suitable”.en-USAccessibilityAHPGISLRTStationSuitabilitySuper DecisionAccessibility and Suitability Analysis of Light Rail Station Location by using (AHP) and GIS: Case study on Existing and Future Expansion of Addis Ababa LRT RespectivelyThesis