Andualem Goshu (PhD)Rewina Gebremedhin2024-01-022024-01-022022-12 research investigates the satisfaction level (along with the related factors) of survivors coming to three One Stop Center’s located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during the year 2022. These three OSCs namely are Gandhi Memorial Hospital OSC, Menelik Hospital OSC, and Tirunesh Beijing hospital OSC. Primary data was gathered from randomly chosen 90 patients that visited the OSCs. A pretested, structured questionnaire that was administered by an interviewer was used to gather the data. To deepen comprehension and triangulate the quantitative data, qualitative interviews were also used. The data were described using descriptive statistics, and relationships between dependent and independent factors were identified using logistic regression. P values below 0.1 were regarded as significant. Result and conclusion from both the qualitative and quantitative data are presented. Overall, around 80% of the survivors stated that they were either satisfied or very satisfied. Financial aspects and accessibility of the care were significantly related with overall satisfaction of the patients. The result of this study provides preliminary evidence that OSCs are giving a good service. With accessibility of care and financial confidence as factors that contribute to increased patient satisfaction. Major challenges spotted on this study that hiders the OSC's ability to deliver high-quality services include lack of a forensic team lack of medications and lab reagents, lack of a support group for the survivors, inadequate training, certain staff/sectors not working 24 hours, and lack of cash support for various emergency needs. In general, the OSCs in Addis Ababa are providing a good service and would be excellent if they address the gaps mentioned above.enGender-based violence (GBV); patient satisfaction; One Stop Center (OSC), Associated factors.Assessment of Patient’s Satisfaction and Associated Factors - In one Stop Centers, Located at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during 2022Thesis