Nigussie, Taye (PhD)Guta, Addisu2018-06-132023-11-182018-06-132023-11-182016-12 main purpose of this study was to assess the effects of large-scale agricultural investments on local communities: And a special concentration was made on the situation in Gura-ferda woreda. The necessary data for the study were generated both from primary and secondary sources. Hence, in-depth interviews, key-informant interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs, observation and documentary reviews were the principal means of generating data from primary and secondary sources. The finding of this study shows the investment plan doesn't consider the specific contextual situation of the study area. The local communities' role and participation was non-existent in the process of land deals and local customary use patterns and rights never been recognized by the government while identifying suitable land for investors. However, the concept land certification and titling was non-existent, ownership certificate was the only criteria to identify the eligibility of the local communities to be considered as the owners and to take part and participate in the process of land deals and allocations. However, the land allocated to investors have been considered as vacant in the eyes of government officials, the arrival of investors resulted a change on holding and use patterns of cultivated land and other land based resources such as forest areas, grazing, water sources and pools, roads and transit routes by the local communities. , it has resulted economic, social, cultural and spiritual impoverishments among the local small holders. The impacts for the ressetler communities emanate from their eviction from their cultivable lands and water sources, while the me'enit communities suffered from the destructions on forest areas and grazing lands critical to their livelihood. The problematic nature of land deal and implementations of large-scale agricultural investments influenced the nature of relationships among local communities, local government and investorsenAgricultural Investmentlarge-scale agricultural investment and its impacts on local communities: The Case of Gura-Ferda woreda of SNNPRSThesis