Zena Berhanu (PhD)Tewedaj Abayneh2024-12-262024-12-262024-06-01https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4015Adolescents and young people in Ethiopia are increasingly experiencing issues related to their sexual and reproductive health. This could be linked to poor communication and early sexual initiation. A delay in sexual activity has been favorably correlated with effective family communication on sexual risk behavior. Various aspects impact the communication between parents and adolescents and youth on SRH in different ways. The study aims to analyze the communication between adolescents and youth and parents on sexual and reproductive health issues focusing on a case of FHIDO, Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To attain this, a cross-sectional mixed descriptive study was conducted involving 347 randomly selected students from the FHIDO’s sponsorship youth development program. A pre-tested, structured anonymous questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data, which was entered, cleaned, and analyzed using the SPSS version 23 statistical package. Qualitative data were also obtained from through FGD and KII interviews with adolescents’ fathers and Woreda health professionals. The bivariate, multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess the contribution of determinants. Results indicated that one hundred eighty-nine (54.5%) of the students discussed with either of their parents at least on two topics of SRH. However, rather than talking to their parents about the SRH issue, the majority of respondents said that they would rather talk to their classmates or friends. It was also demonstrated that having a literate mother reduced the likelihood of believing in importance of parents and adolescents and youth on SRH issues by 72% [AOR = 0.28; 95%CI (0.13,0.61)]. Adolescents and youth knowing STIs increase the odds by threefold [AOR = 3.73; 95% CI (1.48, 9.43)] compared to other SRH issues. The most reported factors that affect communication between parents and adolescents on SRH issues are shamefulness, parents’ lack of knowledge, and not being good listeners and this factors also reveiled in the FGD discussants. As the study confirmed, there is a lack of communication on various SRH issues between parents and adolescents, with several causes given for this lack of communication. Thus, to facilitate effective communication on SRH issues, it is advised that sexual and reproductive health education should commence for adolescents and parents and kids in schools, homes, religious institutions, and health facilities based on the study's findings. To determine what influences, how well, and when parent-adolescent communication on sexuality occurs, further research needs to be done. Key words: Adolesents, youth, reproductive health, parent- adolescent/youth communicationen-USAdolesentsyouthreproductive healthparent- adolescent/youth communicationAdolescent and Youth-Parent Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues: The Case of Future Hopes Integrated Development organization, Arada Sub-City of Addis Ababa, EthiopiaThesis