Asefa, Samuel (PhD)Abebe, Ayichew2019-04-112023-11-042019-04-112023-11-046/1/2018 this thesis we study, Pointed integer partition de ned as a pair fu;mg = fu1; u2; ; ur;mg where u = fu1; u2; ; urg is an integer partition of nm, and m is a non-negative integer n. Shellability of pointed integer partition with M obius values -1 and +1 denoted by Rn. We determine the cardinality of I n and Rn for 1 n 10 and n 1 respectively and the Hasse diagram and the M obius values of I n for 1 n 6. In addition to these we have determined the edge labeling of Rn for n 3 using the technique for labeling the edges of the Hasse diagram of Rn, according to [12], Rn admit an EL-labeling which is EL-shellable.enPointed Integer PartitionHassee diagram and ShellabilityShellability of Pointed Integer PartitionThesis