Emana, Teshome (PhD)Abebe, Solomon2019-02-192023-11-042019-02-192023-11-042018-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/16458This study is deals with rural-urban migration from Western Shawa to Burayu town. The study mainly focused on the socio-economic challenges which migrants have faced at the place of destination. It also discussed the socio-cultural interaction that the study group have built with the host community. In recent years the rate of rural-urban migration has become alarming as more people flow into the urban centers from the rural areas. Rural-urban migration can be caused by several factors. However, extreme poverty, unemployment and shortage of agricultural land are the major deriving factors behind this movement. The nature and volume of migration in Ethiopia in the last two decades have been shaped by social, economic, political and demographic reason. It is obvious that thousands of books were published on this topic in the national and international levels so many research articles and journals were also produced on it. Although the subject matter has been treated in various disciplines, most of them deals with the purely economic aspects of rural-urban migration. In contrary, this study is mainly focused on Socio-cultural matters of the problem. But, this doesn‟t mean that nobody has conducted a research on the Socio-cultural aspects of rural-urban migration. Several workers were also done on the issue earlier. In this case, this study might be adding some knowledge and fill the gap on the existing one. Most interestingly the study has treated the problem in anthropological fashion. To realize the intended objective, the study has conducted in the manner of qualitative approach. Both primary and secondary data were used to attain the designed objective. Primary data collection tools like in-depth interview, observation and focused group discussed were implemented to generate valuable information. Then, the data obtained though these techniques were supported by secondary data, published and unpublished materials. Migration in general and rural-urban migration in particular has a last long history in the life of humankind. But, the situation is varied in scale and intensity in terms of time and place. The current trend, however, became worse both in the local and global context. Poverty and other Socio-cultural factors can be considered as the major factors for this global problem of the human being.ensocio-economic challengesRural-Urban Migration: Socio-Economic Challenges of Migrants From Rural Areas of Western Shawa to Burayu TownThesis