Feyissa Tileye (PhD)Abraham Adane (PhD)Jemal Kero2018-07-032023-11-092018-07-032023-11-092010-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/5801Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the most important bulb vegetables, which is used as spice and flavoring agent for foods and as medicinal plant. It is produced throughout the world including Ethiopia. Garlic is infected by numerous systemic viruses including the genus Potyvirus, Carlavirus and Allexivirus. There is no any research report available about garlic viruses in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study is aimed at survey of garlic virus diseases and detection of garlic viruses by DAS-ELISA. A survey was conducted in the year 2009 to identify viruses infecting garlic (Allium sativum L.) in different growing areas of Ethiopia. Surveys conducted to assess the status of virus diseases affecting garlic in the major growing areas of Ethiopia indicated that leaf yellowing; yellow mosaic, stripes and stunting were the most common disease symptoms observed. The highest visually observed disease incidence in a field was 93%, recorded in the Arsi zone of Oromia region. When 520 symptomatic and asymptomatic samples collected from 56 fields from major garlic growing areas of Ethiopia were tested by the double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(DAS-ELISA) for four viruses (OYDV, LYSV,GV-B and GV-C), 119 samples (23%) were found to be infected with at least one virus. GV-B, member of Allexivirus was the most frequent (17.7%), followed by OYDV, member of Potyvirus (5.6%) and GV-C (4.8%) which is Allexivirus. LYSV was detected only in 7 samples. Mixed infections were also very common. Among the mixed infections, the most common one was GV-B +GV-C( 2.5%) followed by GVB+OYDV( 1.7%) and GV- B +LYSV(0.8%). The incidence of GVB+GVC+OYDV was 0.4 %. Key words: Allium sativum, DAS-ELISA, Garlic, Garlic virus B, Garlic virus C, Leak yellow Strip Virus, Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus.enAllium sativumDAS-ELISAGarlic virus BGarlic virus C,Leak yellow Strip VirusOnion Yellow Dwarf VirusSurvey and Serological Identification of Viruses Infecting Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in EthiopiaThesis