Yimam, Wossenu (PhD)Abebe, Dereje2019-01-232023-11-102019-01-232023-11-102007-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/15957This study was conducted to examine the practices of the current Result-Oriented Appraisal of Principals ' Pelformance in Guji Zone and determining its effectiveness. To this end answers to basic questions pertaining to the purpose, process and criteria of ROAPP, competence of appraiser, and major problems of implementing ROAPP were sought. The study encompassed 7 woredas of the zone selected based on purposive sampling technique. Information was solicited from the sample respondents; 113 appraisees and 24 appraisers through questionnaire which were field-tested before distribution in woredas not included in the sample. Interviews were also held with 7 WECBO officials and 1 ZECBO expert. Statistical tools such as chi-square, spearman- rank order correlation, mean and percentage were used for analyzing the data. The finding of the study showed that though, both appraisees and appraisers seems to have awareness about the intended purposes of ROAPP, the extent of achievement of these purposes: formative and summative purposes were found to be inadequate; the former being more dissatisfactolJl than the latter. The administration of the process of ROAPP was also a mixture of poor and fair. The appraisal criteria were found to be defective, and hence inappropriate to measure the pelformance of principals fairly and objectively. It was also found out that the designated appraisers lack competence to appraise effectively, mainly because of their number being small compared to principals, and their workplace being far from schools. Nevertheless, most of the appraisees preferred to be appraised by them if problems for the incompetence are to be improved or solved. In general, the system was perceived to be ineffective in attaining the overall objective which it was intended to serve. It would be, therefore, recommended that necessary revisions and adjustments in which the process of ROAPP is administered as required by the system ought to be made. Of these solving problems related to appraisers, improving technical and conceptual capacity of participants are the major ones.enResult-Oriented Appraisal of Principals ' PelformanceResult-Oriented Appraisal of Principals' Performance in Primary Schools of Guji ZoneThesis