Mulugeta Gebremedhin (PhD)Tolesa Asefa2024-01-292024-01-292023-07 objective of the study was to analysis the effect of extended marketing mixes on brand image in the case of Awash Bank. To achieve the objective, this study was utilized casual (explanatory) research design that shows the effect of independent variables on dependent variables. Besides, the study also applied both primary and secondary data as well as quantitative approaches for the success of this goal. The study was used convenience sampling techniques to select 384 sample from the entire customers of Awash Bank. The study was used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22 for analyzing collected data. Moreover, the study used both descriptive and inferential analysis. The descriptive result of the study indicates that brand mage of the bank highly depended on the extended marketing mix tools. The correlation analysis shows that there is positive and significant relationship between the extended marketing mix tools and brand image. Tests of hypotheses have also proved that the all the extended marketing mix have significant relationship with brand image of the bank. Furthermore, in terms of the values of the R square of the results of the regression, extended service marketing mix elements such as people, process and physical evidence all together explain 73.3% of variation on brand image; whereas, the remaining 26.7% explained by other extraneous variables such as profit, plan, performance, and oldest marketing mixes and etc. Study concludes that all of extended service marketing mix has higher effect on the brand image of the bank. More over the researcher recommend that the bank should exert much effort to excel the overall level of brand image on the extended marketing mix tools through increasing digitization, relaxing service process, creating proficient and well dressed employees and creating awareness about the vision and mission statement by providing annual report book, Agenda book and customer appreciation programen-USBankCustomerThe Effect of Extended Marketing Mix on Brand Image: The Case of Awash BankThesis