Amiga, Aklilu2018-06-262023-11-192018-06-262023-11-192002-06 supply of solid waste management service has always been the major environmental problem for the city of Addis Ababa. The introduction of service charges in the area of solid waste management is getting much attention due to continuous financial shortage of the city government to provide this service at an acceptable level. The pricing of this service is believed to bring efficiency and sustainability in this area. In line with this, this study was undertaken to examine the extent of solid waste management problem and households’ willingness to pay for improved solid waste management services. The contingent valuation method (CVM) is used to analyze households’ willingness to pay. For this 430 randomly selected households were used. The probit and tobit models are used for the empirical analysis. The result shows that 33.98% of households in Addis Ababa are practicing illegal dumping, i.e., disposing solid waste in an open-space, street or in to rivers. Only 54.86% of households are getting solid waste collection services. As a result the vast majority of households (91.02%) are not satisfied with what the city government is doing in this area. Most households (91.02%) are willing to cooperate with the government in financing solid waste management in order to improve this condition. The mean monthly willingness to pay is Birr 7.07 per household. It shows variation arcos different income group areas with 2.96 Birr /month for low, 7.76 Birr /Month for middle and 13.07 Birr /month for high income areas. The tobit model shows income, time spent in the area, quantity of waste generated, responsibility of solid waste management, education, house ownership, number of children and age to be significant variables in explaining maximum willingness to pay. While in the probit model income, age, number of children, time spent in the area, quantity of waste generated and education have significant effect on willingness to pay. The result of this study suggests there is a good chance of success if solid waste collection service charges are introduced. And these charges should take into consideration both ability and willingness to pay. This research has also identified the need to do research on the feasibility (both technical and economic) of other final disposal methods in addition to landfilling and the nature and volume of solid waste in Addis AbabaenSolid waste Management ServiceMajor Environmental ProblemHouseholds’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Solid Waste Management: The Case of Addis AbabaThesis