Elias, Brhanu (PhD)Ashenafi, Gaemi2018-10-152023-11-042018-10-152023-11-042018-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/12725A thesis submitted to the school of graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Public Management and PolicyThe main objective of the study is to assess the quality of public service delivery and to examine the level of customer’s satisfaction in land management related service in Jinka Town municipality, South Omo Zone of SNNPR. Regarding to research methodology; the researcher employed explanatory research method with both qualitative and quantitative data type. The Researcher employed simple random sampling for sample selection and convenient sampling for questionnaires’ released to households. Interview, close ended questionnaires, FGD employed for data collection. The analysis conducted using SPSS through mean, standard deviations, correlations and stepwise regressions for the study. From the study it was found that service quality dimensions are positively related to customer satisfaction. However, not all of them are significantly correlated to customer satisfaction. The result indicates that the dimensions of Tangibility, Reliability and Empathy are not significantly related to customer satisfaction, in other words, they are not major determinants of customer satisfaction. The data also shows that Information on the practices of the public service delivery principles in the office is clearly declining customer satisfaction. Only one out of seven factors included in information on the practices of the public service delivery principles in the office has low mean effect which shows satisfaction of the customers. Other information on the practices of the public service delivery principles in the office totally fail to have an impact on customer satisfaction. Municipal officials need to ensure that all tangible attributes related to employee performance create a desirable impact on customer perception of quality. This is important as customer continue to look for tangible cue as a means to reduce perceived service quality and describe their service experience in municipality of Jinka.en-USCustomer satisfactionsService qualityAssessment of Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction: Experience from Jinka Town Municipality, In SNNPR South Omo ZoneThesis