Abdurazak Mohammed (PhD)Yisehake Kelemu2024-03-122024-03-122022-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2317Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is a recently discovered disease caused by the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2. The COVID-19 pandemic has a tremendous negative impact on the health of a society as well as on the economy. The construction industry, which is part of the world economy as well as the core of the nation’s economy is believed to face the biggest challenge due to COVID-19 pandemic and cannot isolate its impact. It is believed that there would be a domino impact on the economy if any construction projects are being delayed or if quality is being compromised. After the occurrence of the global pandemic of COVID-19 it had affected the construction industry, including building projects. Due to the nature of the unorganized nature of the industry identifying the effect of COVID-19 and the challenges caused by the disease can provide the best solution to reduce the pandemic's impact. Therefore to better understand the possible outcome of the pandemic on building construction projects this study has emphasized on the impact of COVID-19 in the building construction industry by taking the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approach through self-administered questionnaire and interview to address those critical points. Disruption in building material supply, losing jobs, project suspensions, cost and time over run and impact on quality of building construction projects are some of the challenges identified. The scarce and increased cost of construction materials, the shortage in hard currency , shortages of labors, delay of projects and incurring additional cost are also the major impacts of COVID-19 on the building construction industry. Contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are experiencing COVID-19 impacts, it is critical to perform a schedule assessment or time-impact analysis, including examining the status of material procurement on your projects, to identify latent delays in the schedule. However, even though all stakeholders involved in the building construction including contractors, subcontractors, company owners and suppliers are experiencing COVID-19 impacts, it isen-USThe Effect of Covid-19 on Building Construction Project Management: The Case of Building Construction Projects in Addiss AbabaThesis