Tesfaye, Tilahun (PhD)Assefa, Getahun2019-09-172023-11-092019-09-172023-11-092018-09-01http:// rays are high-energy particles coming from space that hardly ever hit the Earth's surface but interact with nuclei of air molecules, usually several tens of kilometers above ground, and many new particles are formed. However, during air travel we are exposed to cosmic rays and to the energetic products of their interactions with air nuclei. In this project we will present data on the received radiation dose due to cosmic rays for two groups that are occupationally exposed to (space) radiation - commercial flights personnel and astronauts. Health risks will be estimated and backed up with study results.enCosmic RaysRelated Health HazardsHistory of Cosmic RaysDiscovery of Cosmic RaysCosmic Rays and Related Health HazardsThesis