Mekonnen, Hussen (PhD)Tesfaye, Tamirat2018-07-192023-11-062018-07-192023-11-062014-06 maternal mortality ratio in Ethiopia is strikingly high. One of Key interventions to reduce maternal deaths is the promotion of ANC. ANC plays an important role in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity by detecting early risk factors in order to have an effective intervention in time and by linking the pregnant women to a planned delivery with a skilled birth attendant. However, studies have shown that there are many missed opportunities for care, both because of client and health system related factors. OBJECTIVE:-To assess the quality of antenatal care services in rural health centers in Bursa woreda from March-April, 2014. METHOD:-The facility based cross- sectional study was conducted in rural health centers in Bursa woreda. Antenatal follow up women’s was interviewed about perception on satisfaction towards quality of antenatal services, by using structured questionnaires (n= 290). Twenty-four antenatal care provider client sessions was observed by checklist. Simple observation using checklist was made for availability of resources necessary for antenatal care. Finally data was coded, cleaned, entered using EPI-6 and was analyzed using SPSS statistical software for windows. RESULTS: - The study showed that overall satisfaction of client was low as 33%. The likelihood of satisfaction from ANC service was lower among women secondary and above of education level [AOR = 0.14, 95% CI = (0.03-0.78)]. The study also illustrated that higher proportion of health providers did not provide danger sign counseling, advice and information related to complication of pregnancy. Although all the health centers have basic structural medical equipments, none of them has laboratory equipments and high-level disinfection process Conclusions and Recommendation:-Overall satisfaction of ANC is low. However, for all of them ANC clients were not performed likes (hemoglobin, blood grouping and Rhesus factor, VDRL for Syphilis and urine analysis) and harmful habits likes (smoking, drug abuse &alcoholism, side effects of medicines during pregnancy, breast-feeding, and baby vaccination). Satisfaction from the ANC service in the health centers is very low, and should be stressed health providers and woreda health office to do better for client’s satisfaction. Keywords: - Quality, Antenatal care, services, BursaenQualityAntenatal careServicesBursaAssess Quality of Antenatal Care Services in Rural Health Centers in Bursa Woreda, Sidama Zone, Southern Nations Nationalities People’s Region, Ethiopia, 2014Thesis