Jebessa Habte (PhD)Chalchisa Dinka2019-04-252023-11-042019-04-252023-11-042017-08-04 objective of this study was to assess and examine the current status of municipal solid waste management practices in the city of Sabata, Oromia Special Zone, surrounding Finfine in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. Descriptive research method was employed to explore the current status of solid waste management in the study area using both primary and secondary data sources. In doing so, 167 households were selected in three Kebeles of the town by applying both probabilities (systematic random sampling) for sample households and non-probability (purposive) sampling techniques for focus group discussion (FGD) with pairwise ranking and key informant interviews. The three Kebeles were selected judgmentally based on the activities taking place in the surrounding market, transport, service giving and other activities. The data collection instruments comprised of questionnaires, key informant interview, FGD, field observation and documented data. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results of the study indicated that solid waste management practice of the community; particularly, at source was poor and feeble relationship of institutions. In addition to this, the municipality of the town was not able to provide adequate solid waste management service. This was because of some factors related to financial constraint, very poor institutional coordination, weak enforcement of rules and regulations, socio-cultural factors and lack of awareness among the community. The findings of the study conclude that the key elements of solid waste management system in the town such as waste handling and processing, waste collection and disposal practiced was ineffective and inadequate. The study thus recommends that the community has to be provided with adequate education and develop awareness on how to handle its solid wastes at home and about the consequences of improper solid waste disposal.enMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid WasteHouseholdSabata TownMunicipal Solid Waste Management Practice in Sabata Town, Special Zone in Oromia Regional State, EthiopiaThesis