Taye, Girma (PhD)Atnafe, Henock2018-09-032023-11-052018-09-032023-11-052016-09http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/11843Background: Globally, diarrheal diseases remain a leading cause of death. It is estimated for 1.87 million deaths each year, accounting for approximately 19% among children of under- five. Most of these deaths are due to dehydration and mismanagement or delayed management of the disease. Appropriate home treatment of under-five diarrheal diseases could prevent a significant number of child deaths and complications due to illnesses. Objectives: To asses prevalence of under-five diarrheal diseases, knowledge and practice of home treatment; it’s associated factors among mothers residing in selected sub-cities street of Addis Ababa town, Ethiopia, 2016. Methods: Cross-Sectional study was conducted among mothers residing in street who had under-five children in Addis Ababa, February 2016.A sample of 422 mothers were selected from four sub-cities by systematic sampling technique. Data was collected on 406 respondents through pre-tested structured questionnaire with face to face interview. Then, data were entered using EPI Info version 7 and exported to SPSS for analysis. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess knowledge, practice and their associated factors. Significances were considered at P -value less than 0.05 (P<0.05). Results: Out of all mothers residing in the streets, the prevalence of diarrhea among under-five index children was 53.8%.One hundred sixty three (40.1%) mothers residing in the streets had good knowledge and 117(28.8%) of them had good practice on home treatment. During bi-variate and multi-variate analysis, Mothers who were able to read and write were 2 times more likely to develop good knowledge of home treatment than illiterate mothers.[AOR=1.767, 95% CI, (1.112, 2.807)] Mothers aged from 25-34 years were 4 times more likely to develop good practice of home treatment than mothers in the age category 15–24 years old. [AOR=4.314, 95 % CI, (2.417, 7.701)].Mothers aged 35 years and above were 5 times more likely to develop good practice of home treatment than mothers in the age category 15–24 years old. [AOR=5.084, 95 % CI, (2.515,10.276)].Mothers who had elementary and above educational status were 4 times more likely to develop good practice of home treatment than illiterate mothers. [AOR=3.921, 95% CI, (2.288, 6.720)] .Mothers who can read and write were 2 times more likely to develop good practice of home treatment than illiterate mothers.[AOR=1.963, 95% CI, (1.060, 3.635)] Conclusion: The present study concludes that the prevalence of diarrhea among under-five index children was high. Less than half of the participants had good level of knowledge and less than one third of respondents had good practice of under five diarrheal home treatment. Educational status of participants was significant factors associated with knowledge of study participants where as age and educational status was significant factor associated with practice. VIIIenUnder-five street children diarrheal home treatmentUnder-five street children diarrheal home treatment: The case of mothers residing on streets of selected sub-cities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2016Thesis